Terms & Conditions

1.) General Terms & Conditions

These listed terms & conditions are part of all agreements by Ryde Technology AS (and its subsidiaries), a private company incorporated under the laws of Norway, and has its registered office at Pilestredet 75C, 0354 Oslo, Norway with company registration number: 922 260 575.

Ryde Technology AS (and its subsidiaries) is referred to as Ryde and/or us/we/our/the company within this agreement.

For your use of these services, Ryde requires that You agree to all terms & conditions within this agreement.

By accepting these terms You warrant and clarify that You are at least 15 years of age. You also warrant that You are physically fit and possess reasonable competence to use and operate any of our vehicles. You also warrant that you possess the necessary capabilities to make competent assessment of the driving conditions to be able to use our services in a responsible manner. This includes considering weather conditions, your health status, and/or any other factors that may be relevant for operating an electric vehicle. You understand that You are solely responsible to adapt speed, breaking and general riding behavior to e.g. (but not limited to) traffic, road state, weather circumstances and similarly to ensure competent and responsible usage.

You hereby also confirm that You shall conduct a basic safety check before using a vehicle, such as inspecting the brakes, wheels, frame, battery level and light for any visible damage or suspect appearance of any kind. You agree to not use the vehicle if any of these factors does not appear satisfactory. If it does not, You agree to report the issue to Ryde Technology AS via any of the platforms where you are able to do so, e.g. (but not limited to) the app, the website, or via e-mail.

Ryde reserves the right to cancel or change any existing campaign or offer at any time.

Ryde Credits cannot be used for buying a Ryde Pass, and the purchase of a Ryde Pass & Ryde Credits is non-refundable.

A Ryde Pass is only valid in the city in which it was purchased.

The app's minute price will always be rounded up to the next full minute.

Credits may be removed from users with 12 months of inactivity.

A new account will be verified to prevent misuse of the service. Your payment card will be charged 30 or 50 NOK (depending on location) and the amount will be added to your credits that will be used for your next rides.

Your trip may end automatically after 60-65 minutes has passed. This is done to prevent excessive charges for customers that forget to end their trip. If the scooter is outside of the operational area when this happens, You may be charged up to 500 NOK, as the scooter may not be parked outside of the allowed parking zone.

The service may at times be closed during the night.

2.) Account

You hereby confirm that to be able to use our services, You must register for a user account in our mobile application. Your user account is personal to You, and You shall not (without prior written consent from Ryde Technology AS) create a user account for another person, transfer Your account to another person or assist another person to access Your account.

You hereby confirm that the information You provide is true and accurate. You must provide personal information, and a valid card number as financial information to be able to use our services. You are responsible to ensure that the provided information is updated at all times. To comply with local regulations, and reasonable operational management, Ryde Technology AS may need to verify such information. You confirm that You will assist in this process to enable us to do these reasonable verifications where it may be necessary.

All accounts and their functionality are subject to approval or discontinuation at our discretion. We reserve the right to reject or terminate any account, temporarily or permanently, and to deny access and prohibit a specific user to use our services.

You are responsible for Your account’s security, including (but not limited to) Your login identification, password(s) and account details. You confirm that such details are not shared or disclosed with any other party or person. You are responsible for all loss, damage or problems that could arise from disclosing Your account information, as well as any fraudulent activity, digital threat and/or similar scenario.

You are required to notify us if You suspect and/or are aware of any activity that seems suspect and/or any unauthorized access of your user account.

3.) Use of our services

You confirm that by using any of our applications or digital services, You agree to the terms and conditions outlined here. You confirm that you will not under any circumstances modify or exploit any of our applications, nor share information that may result in such behavior to any third party.

You also confirm that any problems that may arise, e.g. not ending the trip successfully in the app, must be reported to us immediately, as it may otherwise be dismissed without further discussion or compensation.

The Ryde Pass (monthly pass or day pass) is intended for personal use only. It is prohibited to use the Ryde Pass for commercial transportation of goods and/or services (e.g. food delivery and/or other delivery services).

Ryde reserves the right to suspend Your account and/or remove the Ryde Pass if you violate these terms.

You understand and confirm that all intellectual property rights within any of our services is the sole property of Ryde Technology AS, and will not be used for any commercial activity and/or similar intentions.

The use of our services in Sweden will be handled by our Swedish company, Ryde Sweden AB, which has its registered office at Kyrkestensvägen 9B, 441 35 Alingsås and company number 559251-2973.

The use of our services in Finland will be handled by our Finnish company, Ryde Finland Oy, with company number 3235209-4.

4.) Behavior when using the services

You hereby confirm that you will comply with all local regulations such as (but not limited to): Traffic regulations, data protection, parking instructions, vehicle usage instructions. You also confirm that you at all times are competent enough and physically fit to operate a vehicle in a responsible manner, consider all traffic conditions, as well as displaying general common sense.

You are solely responsible and assume all responsibility and/or risk for any injuries or damages that may arise from using any of our vehicles. You confirm that You will treat any vehicle with common sense care (as outlined in this agreement) and understand that damages, liabilities or costs towards Ryde Technology AS arising from You not doing so can result in us demanding full reimbursement from You.

You confirm that You can use the vehicles solely as intended and instructed within our application, in compliance with local regulations, and in compliance with these terms and conditions, such as (but not limited to):

– No altering, dismantling or adjusting being done to the scooters
– Not riding or parking within restricted areas
– Not bringing/riding the scooter outside of the Operational Area (the ‘Operational Area’ is in this case defined as the area where you can end your ride that is surrounded by a red continuous area/fence on the map). Doing this may result in a penalty up to 500 NOK (in addition to the total cost of the trip).
– Not riding more than one person per scooter
– Not storing the scooter in a way that makes it inaccessible to others
– Not riding the vehicle if your total weight (including accessories) exceeds 120kg
– Report any damages, theft, accident or similar scenario to a vehicle you rented and/or come across
– Using appropriate safety gear
– Not riding in an improper condition, such as (but not limited to): under the influence of substances, distracted, during an unwell physical condition, under the influence of medication or any other factors that may prevent you from operating a vehicle in a responsible and competent way
– Riding properly and competently in regards to all traffic laws and local regulations
– Parking properly in regards to all traffic laws and local regulations
– Not bringing the scooter onto other types of transport (for example, but not limited to: buses, trains, cars, etc)

You confirm that You understand and accept that Any damages and/or costs to Ryde Technology AS resulting from not complying with these outlined terms, local traffic laws, and local regulations are subject to be invoiced to You based on Ryde's own assessment of the extent of the damage, and are Your sole responsibility unless Ryde Technology AS have specifically expressed otherwise in writing.

5.) Disclaimers, limitation of liability & force majeure

You hereby confirm that the usage of our services is solely at Your risk. Ryde Technology AS holds no warranties in regards to the service, and no liabilities for events such as (but not limited) to: Errors, interruptions, unavailability, maintenance, state of the vehicles and/or similar.

You confirm and understand that scooters are electric vehicles that may experience issues or malfunctions, even if it has been properly maintained and inspected before use. Such issues may cause injury, damages or dangers of various sorts to You and/or others, people, property or similarly. You confirm that You understand and agree that You are solely responsible for all such dangers and risks that may occur from operating any of these vehicles. When choosing to use our services and operate any of our vehicles You confirm that You assume full responsibility for all related risks and dangers, and that You may be liable for all relating damages, deaths and/or costs. You confirm and understand that operating an electric vehicle involves an element of risk and that dangerous situations can occur and may not be avoidable even if proper precautions have been made.

You confirm that you will indemnify and not make claims or request compensation of any kind against Ryde Technology AS relating to the use of our services or operating any of our vehicles. You acknowledge that You have agreed to use our services in accordance to these terms and conditions, and that any use of the services are Your sole responsibility. You agree to not misuse any of our services and failure to do so is Your sole responsibility.

You confirm that Ryde Technology AS shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, failure or error which is caused by conditions beyond our control, defined as “force majeure”, such as (but not limited to): natural disasters, change in legislations and/or laws, weather conditions, power breakdown, infrastructure problems, strikes, orders of administrative authorities, interruptive events and/or any events with similar outcome.

6.) Modifications

Ryde Technology AS reserves the right to change, update or amend these terms & conditions from time to time without Your consent. You confirm that you on a regular basis should review this agreement to have an up to date awareness in regards to any modifications. You confirm that this agreement supersedes all prior agreements and is the final and complete agreement for using our services. By continuing to use our services, you agree to be bound to these terms and conditions.

7.) Governing law & jurisdiction

You hereby agree that any disputes that arise from using our service or in relation to this agreement will be subject to Norwegian law, and Norwegian courts exclusively. This agreement is governed by Norwegian law exclusively.

Vilkår & Betingelser

1.) Generelle vilkår og betingelser

Disse listede vilkårene er en del av alle avtaler av Ryde Technology AS (og dets datterselskaper), et privat selskap som er opprettet under Norges lover, og har sitt hovedkontor på Pilestredet 75C, 0354 Oslo, Norge med selskapets organisasjonsnummer: 922 260 575.

Ryde Technology AS (og dets datterselskaper) omtales som Ryde og/eller oss/vi/vårt/selskapet innenfor denne avtalen.

For å kunne benytte deg av disse tjenestene krever Ryde at Du samtykker til alle vilkår og betingelser i denne avtalen.

Ved å akseptere disse vilkårene garanterer og presiserer Du at Du er minst 15 år gammel. Du garanterer også at Du er fysisk skikket og har fornuftig kompetanse til å bruke og betjene våre tjenester. Du garanterer også at Du har de nødvendige evnene til å foreta en kompetent vurdering av kjøreforholdene for å kunne bruke tjenestene våre på en ansvarlig måte. Dette inkluderer hensyn til værforhold, Din helsetilstand og/eller andre faktorer som kan være relevante for å betjene et elektrisk kjøretøy. Du forstår at Du er eneansvarlig for å tilpasse hastighet, bremsing og generell kjøreoppførsel til f.eks. (men ikke begrenset til) trafikk, veiforhold, værforhold o.l. for å sikre kompetent og ansvarlig bruk.

Du bekrefter herved også at Du skal utføre en grunnleggende sikkerhetskontroll før Du bruker et kjøretøy, for eksempel å inspisere bremser, hjul, ramme, batterinivå og lys for synlige skader eller uvanlig utseende av noe slag. Du samtykker å ikke bruke kjøretøyet hvis noen av disse faktorene ikke fremstår som tilfredsstillende. Hvis disse faktorene ikke fremstår tilfredsstillende, godtar Du å rapportere problemet til Ryde Technology AS via noen av plattformene der Du kan gjøre det, f.eks. (men ikke begrenset til) applikasjonen eller via e-post.

Ryde forbeholder seg retten til å endre eller kansellere tilbud eller kampanjer når som helst.

Ryde Credits kan ikke brukes på kjøp av Ryde Pass, og kjøp av Ryde Pass og Ryde Credits refunderes ikke.

Et Ryde Pass er kun gyldig i den byen det blev kjøpt i.

Appens minuttpris vil alltid bli rundet opp til nærmeste hele minutt.

Hvis en bruker har vært inaktiv i over 12 måneder, kan credits på brukeren fjernes.

For å hindre misbruk av tjenesten må kontoen verifiseres og det må betales et forskudd på 30 eller 50 NOK (avhengig av din lokasjon). Forskuddet vil bli belastet før din første tur og legges til din lommebok.

Din reise kan avsluttes automatisk etter at 60-65 minutter har passert. Dette gjøres for å forhindre unødvendig høye kostnader for kunder som glemmer å avslutte reisen. Hvis sparkesykkelen befinner seg utenfor driftsområdet vil Du belastes opp till 500,- NOK, ettersom sparkesykkelen ikke skal parkeres utenfor tillatt parkeringssone. Tjenesten kan til tider være stengt om natten.

2.) Konto

Du bekrefter herved at Du må opprette en brukerkonto i vår mobilapplikasjon for å kunne bruke våre tjenester. Din brukerkonto er personlig for deg, og Du skal ikke (uten forutgående skriftlig samtykke fra Ryde Technology AS) opprette en brukerkonto for en annen person, overføre kontoen Din til en annen person eller hjelpe en annen person med å få tilgang til kontoen Din.

Du bekrefter herved at informasjonen Du gir er sann og nøyaktig. Du må oppgi personlig informasjon, og et gyldig kortnummer som økonomisk informasjon for å kunne bruke tjenestene våre. Du er ansvarlig for å sørge for at den oppgitte informasjonen til enhver tid blir oppdatert. For å overholde lokale forskrifter og fornuftig operativ styring, kan Ryde Technology AS trenge å verifisere slik informasjon. Du bekrefter at Du vil hjelpe til i denne prosessen for å gjøre oss i stand til å gjøre disse verifikasjonene der det måtte være nødvendig.

Alle kontoer og deres funksjonalitet er underlagt godkjenning eller seponering etter vårt skjønn. Vi forbeholder oss retten til å avvise eller avslutte hvilken som helst konto, midlertidig eller permanent, og til å nekte tilgang og forby en bestemt bruker å benytte seg av våre tjenester.

Du er ansvarlig for Din kontos sikkerhet, inkludert (men ikke begrenset til) Din påloggingsidentifikasjon, passord og kontodetaljer. Du bekrefter at slike detaljer ikke blir delt eller omtalt med noen annen part eller person. Du er ansvarlig for alt tap, skade eller problemer som kan oppstå ved utlevering av kontoinformasjonen Din, samt all uredelig aktivitet, digital trussel og/eller lignende scenario.

Du må varsle oss hvis Du mistenker og/eller er klar over enhver aktivitet som virker mistenkelig og/eller enhver uautorisert tilgang til brukerkontoen Din.

3.) Bruk av våre tjenester

Du bekrefter at ved å bruke noen av våre applikasjoner eller digitale tjenester, samtykker Du til vilkårene som er beskrevet her. Du bekrefter at Du ikke under noen omstendigheter vil modifisere eller utnytte noen av våre applikasjoner, og heller ikke dele informasjon som kan føre til slik oppførsel til noen tredjepart.

Du bekrefter herved å rapportere inn umiddelbart eventuelle problemer som skulle oppstå, f.eks. (men ikke begrenset til) feil med programvare. Hvis rapporten dreier seg om problemer med en tur (f.eks. problemer med å avslutte turen i applikasjonen), må dette rapporteres inn til oss innen 24 timer. Hvis ikke, vil henvendelsen kunne bli avvist uten videre diskusjon eller kompensasjon.

Ryde Pass (månedskort eller dagspass) er kun for personlig bruk. Det er ikke tillatt å bruke Ryde Pass for kommersiell transport av varer og/eller tjenester (f.eks. matlevering og/eller andre leveringstjenester).

Ryde forbeholder seg retten til å blokkere Din konto og/eller fjerne Ditt Ryde Pass, hvis Du bryter med disse vilkårene.

Du forstår og bekrefter at alle immaterielle rettigheter innenfor noen av våre tjenester er den eneste eiendommen til Ryde Technology AS, og ikke vil bli brukt til kommersiell aktivitet og/eller lignende intensjoner.

Bruken av våre tjenester i Sverige vil bli behandlet av vårt svenske selskap, Ryde Sweden AB, som har firmaadresse på Kyrkestensvägen 9B, 441 35 Alingsås og organisasjonsnummer 559251-2973.

Bruken av våre tjenester i Finland vil bli behandlet av vårt finske selskap, Ryde Finland Oy, som har organisasjonsnummer 3235209-4.

4.) Atferd når Du bruker tjenestene

Du bekrefter herved at Du overholder alle lokale forskrifter som (men ikke begrenset til): Trafikkforskrifter, databeskyttelse, parkeringsinstruksjoner, instruksjoner for bruk av kjøretøy. Du bekrefter også at Du til enhver tid er kompetent nok og fysisk skikket til å betjene et kjøretøy på en forsvarlig måte, vurdere alle trafikkforhold, i tillegg til å vise generell sunn fornuft.

Du er eneansvarlig og påtar deg alt ansvar og/eller risiko for personskader eller skader som måtte oppstå ved bruk av noen av våre kjøretøy. Du bekrefter at Du vil behandle ethvert kjøretøy med sunn fornuft (som beskrevet i denne avtalen) og forstå at skader, byrder eller kostnader mot Ryde Technology AS som følge av at Du ikke gjør det, kan føre til at vi krever full refusjon fra deg.

Du bekrefter at Du kan bruke kjøretøyene utelukkende som tiltenkt og instruert i vår applikasjon, i samsvar med lokale forskrifter og i samsvar med disse vilkårene og betingelsene, slik som (men ikke begrenset til):

– Ikke forandre, demontere eller justere på våre el-sparkesykler
– Ikke kjøre eller parkere innenfor avgrensede områder
– Ikke ta med/kjøre på el-sparkesykkelen utenfor operasjonsområdet (“Operasjonsområdet” er i dette tilfellet definert som området der Du kan avslutte turen som er omkranset av et rødt kontinuerlig område/gjerde på kartet). Å gjøre dette kan føre til et straffegebyr på opptil 500 NOK (i tillegg til reisens totale kostnad)
– Kjøre maks 1 person på en enkelt el-sparkesykkel
– Ikke oppbevare sparkesykkelen slik at den blir utilgjengelig for andre
– Ikke kjøre el-sparkesykkelen hvis din totalvekt (inkludert tilbehør) overstiger 120kg
– Rapportere om skader, tyveri, ulykker eller lignende scenario til et kjøretøy Du leide og/eller har kommet over
– Bruke passende sikkerhetsutstyr
– Ikke kjøre i en utilbørlig tilstand, for eksempel (men ikke begrenset til): under påvirkning av stoffer, distrahert, under en dårlig fysisk tilstand, under påvirkning av medisiner eller andre faktorer som kan forhindre deg i å betjene et kjøretøy på en ansvarlig måte og kompetent måte
– Kjøre ordentlig og kompetent med hensyn til alle trafikklover og lokale forskrifter
– Parkere hensynsfullt i forhold til alle trafikklover og lokale forskrifter
– Ikke ta el-sparkesykkelen med på andre typer fremkomstmidler (for eksempel, men ikke begrenset til: busser, tog, biler, osv.)

Du bekrefter at Du forstår og aksepterer at eventuelle skader og/eller kostnader mot Ryde Technology AS som følge av å ikke overholde disse beskrevne vilkårene, lokale trafikklover og lokale forskrifter vil bli fakturert til deg basert på Ryde sin egen vurdering av skadeomfanget, og er Ditt eneansvar med mindre Ryde Technology AS har spesifikt gitt uttrykk for annet skriftlig.

5.) Ansvarsfraskrivelse, ansvarsbegrensning og force majeure

Du bekrefter herved at bruken av våre tjenester utelukkende er på Din risiko. Ryde Technology AS har ingen garantier med hensyn til tjenesten og ingen forpliktelser for hendelser som (men ikke begrenset) til: Feil, avbrudd, utilgjengelighet, vedlikehold, kjøretøyets tilstand og/eller lignende.

Du bekrefter og forstår at el-sparkesykler er elektriske kjøretøy som kan få problemer eller funksjonsfeil, selv om det er vedlikeholdt og inspisert riktig før bruk. Slike problemer kan forårsake personskader, skader eller farer av forskjellige slag for deg og/eller andre, mennesker, eiendommer eller lignende. Du bekrefter at Du forstår og samtykker i at Du er eneansvarlig for alle slike farer og risikoer som kan oppstå ved drift av noen av disse kjøretøyene. Når Du velger å bruke tjenestene våre og betjene noen av våre kjøretøy bekrefter Du at Du påtar deg det fulle ansvaret for alle relaterte risikoer og farer, og at Du kan være ansvarlig for alle relaterte skader, dødsfall og/eller kostnader. Du bekrefter og forstår at drift av et elektrisk kjøretøy innebærer et element av risiko, og at farlige situasjoner kan oppstå og kanskje ikke kan unngås selv om det er gjort riktige forholdsregler.

Du bekrefter at Du vil kompensere og ikke fremsette krav eller be om erstatning av noe slag mot Ryde Technology AS angående bruken av våre tjenester eller drift av noen av våre kjøretøy. Du erkjenner at Du har godtatt å bruke tjenestene våre i samsvar med disse vilkårene og at all bruk av tjenestene er Ditt eneansvar. Du samtykker i å ikke misbruke noen av våre tjenester, og å unnlate å gjøre dette er Ditt eneansvar.

Du bekrefter at Ryde Technology AS ikke skal være ansvarlig for tap, skade, svikt eller feil som er forårsaket av forhold utenfor vår kontroll, definert som “force majeure”, slik som (men ikke begrenset til): naturkatastrofer, endring i lovgivning og/eller lover, værforhold, strømbrudd, infrastrukturproblemer, streik, ordre fra administrative myndigheter, avbrytende hendelser og/eller eventuelle hendelser med lignende utfall.

6.) Endringer

Ryde Technology AS forbeholder seg retten til å endre, oppdatere eller modifisere disse vilkårene fra tid til annen uten Ditt samtykke. Du bekrefter at Du regelmessig bør gjennomgå denne avtalen for å være oppdatert bevisst med hensyn til eventuelle endringer. Du bekrefter at denne avtalen erstatter alle tidligere avtaler og er den endelige og fullstendige avtalen for bruk av våre tjenester. Ved å fortsette å bruke tjenestene våre, samtykker Du i å være bundet til disse vilkårene.

7.) Gjeldende lov og jurisdiksjon

Du samtykker herved til at tvister som oppstår ved bruk av tjenestene våre eller i forhold til denne avtalen, vil være underlagt norsk lov, og norske domstoler utelukkende. Denne avtalen er utelukkende styrt av norsk lov.

Terms & Conditions

1.) General Terms & Conditions

These listed terms & conditions are part of all agreements by Ryde Technology AS (and its subsidiaries), a private company incorporated under the laws of Norway, and has its registered office at Pilestredet 75C, 0354 Oslo, Norway with company registration number: 922 260 575.

Ryde Technology AS (and its subsidiaries) is referred to as Ryde and/or us/we/our/the company within this agreement.

For your use of these services, Ryde requires that You agree to all terms & conditions within this agreement.

By accepting these terms You warrant and clarify that You are at least 15 years of age. You also warrant that You are physically fit and possess reasonable competence to use and operate any of our vehicles. You also warrant that you possess the necessary capabilities to make competent assessment of the driving conditions to be able to use our services in a responsible manner. This includes considering weather conditions, your health status, and/or any other factors that may be relevant for operating an electric vehicle. You understand that You are solely responsible to adapt speed, breaking and general riding behavior to e.g. (but not limited to) traffic, road state, weather circumstances and similarly to ensure competent and responsible usage.

You hereby also confirm that You shall conduct a basic safety check before using a vehicle, such as inspecting the brakes, wheels, frame, battery level and light for any visible damage or suspect appearance of any kind. You agree to not use the vehicle if any of these factors does not appear satisfactory. If it does not, You agree to report the issue to Ryde Technology AS via any of the platforms where you are able to do so, e.g. (but not limited to) the app, the website, or via e-mail.

Ryde reserves the right to cancel or change any existing campaign or offer at any time.

Ryde Credits cannot be used for buying a Ryde Pass, and the purchase of a Ryde Pass & Ryde Credits is non-refundable.

A Ryde Pass is only valid in the city in which it was purchased.

The app's minute price will always be rounded up to the next full minute.

Credits may be removed from users with 12 months of inactivity.

A new account will be verified to prevent misuse of the service. Your payment card will be charged 30 or 50 SEK (depending on location) and the amount will be added to your credits that will be used for your next rides.

Your trip may end automatically after 60-65 minutes has passed. This is done to prevent excessive charges for customers that forget to end their trip. If the scooter is outside of the operational area when this happens, You may be charged up to 500 SEK, as the scooter may not be parked outside of the allowed parking zone.

The service may at times be closed during the night.

2.) Account

You hereby confirm that to be able to use our services, You must register for a user account in our mobile application. Your user account is personal to You, and You shall not (without prior written consent from Ryde Technology AS) create a user account for another person, transfer Your account to another person or assist another person to access Your account.

You hereby confirm that the information You provide is true and accurate. You must provide personal information, and a valid card number as financial information to be able to use our services. You are responsible to ensure that the provided information is updated at all times. To comply with local regulations, and reasonable operational management, Ryde Technology AS may need to verify such information. You confirm that You will assist in this process to enable us to do these reasonable verifications where it may be necessary.

All accounts and their functionality are subject to approval or discontinuation at our discretion. We reserve the right to reject or terminate any account, temporarily or permanently, and to deny access and prohibit a specific user to use our services.

You are responsible for Your account’s security, including (but not limited to) Your login identification, password(s) and account details. You confirm that such details are not shared or disclosed with any other party or person. You are responsible for all loss, damage or problems that could arise from disclosing Your account information, as well as any fraudulent activity, digital threat and/or similar scenario.

You are required to notify us if You suspect and/or are aware of any activity that seems suspect and/or any unauthorized access of your user account.

3.) Use of our services

You confirm that by using any of our applications or digital services, You agree to the terms and conditions outlined here. You confirm that you will not under any circumstances modify or exploit any of our applications, nor share information that may result in such behavior to any third party.

You also confirm that any problems that may arise, e.g. not ending the trip successfully in the app, must be reported to us immediately, as it may otherwise be dismissed without further discussion or compensation.

The Ryde Pass (monthly pass or day pass) is intended for personal use only. It is prohibited to use the Ryde Pass for commercial transportation of goods and/or services (e.g. food delivery and/or other delivery services).

Ryde reserves the right to suspend Your account and/or remove the Ryde Pass if you violate these terms.

You understand and confirm that all intellectual property rights within any of our services is the sole property of Ryde Technology AS, and will not be used for any commercial activity and/or similar intentions.

The use of our services in Sweden will be handled by our Swedish company, Ryde Sweden AB, which has its registered office at Kyrkestensvägen 9B, 441 35 Alingsås and company number 559251-2973.

The use of our services in Finland will be handled by our Finnish company, Ryde Finland Oy, with company number 3235209-4.

4.) Behavior when using the services

You hereby confirm that you will comply with all local regulations such as (but not limited to): Traffic regulations, data protection, parking instructions, vehicle usage instructions. You also confirm that you at all times are competent enough and physically fit to operate a vehicle in a responsible manner, consider all traffic conditions, as well as displaying general common sense.

You are solely responsible and assume all responsibility and/or risk for any injuries or damages that may arise from using any of our vehicles. You confirm that You will treat any vehicle with common sense care (as outlined in this agreement) and understand that damages, liabilities or costs towards Ryde Technology AS arising from You not doing so can result in us demanding full reimbursement from You.

You confirm that You can use the vehicles solely as intended and instructed within our application, in compliance with local regulations, and in compliance with these terms and conditions, such as (but not limited to):

– No altering, dismantling or adjusting being done to the scooters
– Not riding or parking within restricted areas
– Not bringing/riding the scooter outside of the Operational Area (the ‘Operational Area’ is in this case defined as the area where you can end your ride that is surrounded by a red continuous area/fence on the map). Doing this may result in a penalty up to 500 SEK (in addition to the total cost of the trip).
– Not riding more than one person per scooter
– Not storing the scooter in a way that makes it inaccessible to others
– Not riding the vehicle if your total weight (including accessories) exceeds 120kg
– Report any damages, theft, accident or similar scenario to a vehicle you rented and/or come across
– Using appropriate safety gear
– Not riding in an improper condition, such as (but not limited to): under the influence of substances, distracted, during an unwell physical condition, under the influence of medication or any other factors that may prevent you from operating a vehicle in a responsible and competent way
– Riding properly and competently in regards to all traffic laws and local regulations
– Parking properly in regards to all traffic laws and local regulations
– Not bringing the scooter onto other types of transport (for example, but not limited to: buses, trains, cars, etc)

You confirm that You understand and accept that Any damages and/or costs to Ryde Technology AS resulting from not complying with these outlined terms, local traffic laws, and local regulations are subject to be invoiced to You based on Ryde's own assessment of the extent of the damage, and are Your sole responsibility unless Ryde Technology AS have specifically expressed otherwise in writing.

5.) Disclaimers, limitation of liability & force majeure

You hereby confirm that the usage of our services is solely at Your risk. Ryde Technology AS holds no warranties in regards to the service, and no liabilities for events such as (but not limited) to: Errors, interruptions, unavailability, maintenance, state of the vehicles and/or similar.

You confirm and understand that scooters are electric vehicles that may experience issues or malfunctions, even if it has been properly maintained and inspected before use. Such issues may cause injury, damages or dangers of various sorts to You and/or others, people, property or similarly. You confirm that You understand and agree that You are solely responsible for all such dangers and risks that may occur from operating any of these vehicles. When choosing to use our services and operate any of our vehicles You confirm that You assume full responsibility for all related risks and dangers, and that You may be liable for all relating damages, deaths and/or costs. You confirm and understand that operating an electric vehicle involves an element of risk and that dangerous situations can occur and may not be avoidable even if proper precautions have been made.

You confirm that you will indemnify and not make claims or request compensation of any kind against Ryde Technology AS relating to the use of our services or operating any of our vehicles. You acknowledge that You have agreed to use our services in accordance to these terms and conditions, and that any use of the services are Your sole responsibility. You agree to not misuse any of our services and failure to do so is Your sole responsibility.

You confirm that Ryde Technology AS shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, failure or error which is caused by conditions beyond our control, defined as “force majeure”, such as (but not limited to): natural disasters, change in legislations and/or laws, weather conditions, power breakdown, infrastructure problems, strikes, orders of administrative authorities, interruptive events and/or any events with similar outcome.

6.) Modifications

Ryde Technology AS reserves the right to change, update or amend these terms & conditions from time to time without Your consent. You confirm that you on a regular basis should review this agreement to have an up to date awareness in regards to any modifications. You confirm that this agreement supersedes all prior agreements and is the final and complete agreement for using our services. By continuing to use our services, you agree to be bound to these terms and conditions.

7.) Governing law & jurisdiction

You hereby agree that any disputes that arise from using our service or in relation to this agreement will be subject to Norwegian law, and Norwegian courts exclusively. This agreement is governed by Norwegian law exclusively.

Terms & Conditions

1.) General Terms & Conditions

These listed terms & conditions are part of all agreements by Ryde Technology AS (and its subsidiaries), a private company incorporated under the laws of Norway, and has its registered office at Pilestredet 75C, 0354 Oslo, Norway with company registration number: 922 260 575.

Ryde Technology AS (and its subsidiaries) is referred to as Ryde and/or us/we/our/the company within this agreement.

For your use of these services, Ryde requires that You agree to all terms & conditions within this agreement.

By accepting these terms You warrant and clarify that You are at least 15 years of age. You also warrant that You are physically fit and possess reasonable competence to use and operate any of our vehicles. You also warrant that you possess the necessary capabilities to make competent assessment of the driving conditions to be able to use our services in a responsible manner. This includes considering weather conditions, your health status, and/or any other factors that may be relevant for operating an electric vehicle. You understand that You are solely responsible to adapt speed, breaking and general riding behavior to e.g. (but not limited to) traffic, road state, weather circumstances and similarly to ensure competent and responsible usage.

You hereby also confirm that You shall conduct a basic safety check before using a vehicle, such as inspecting the brakes, wheels, frame, battery level and light for any visible damage or suspect appearance of any kind. You agree to not use the vehicle if any of these factors does not appear satisfactory. If it does not, You agree to report the issue to Ryde Technology AS via any of the platforms where you are able to do so, e.g. (but not limited to) the app, the website, or via e-mail.

Ryde reserves the right to cancel or change any existing campaign or offer at any time.

Ryde Credits cannot be used for buying a Ryde Pass, and the purchase of a Ryde Pass & Ryde Credits is non-refundable.

A Ryde Pass is only valid in the city in which it was purchased.

The app's minute price will always be rounded up to the next full minute.

Credits may be removed from users with 12 months of inactivity.

A new account will be verified to prevent misuse of the service. Your payment card will be charged 3 or 5 EUR (depending on location) and the amount will be added to your credits that will be used for your next rides.

Your trip may end automatically after 60-65 minutes has passed. This is done to prevent excessive charges for customers that forget to end their trip. If the scooter is outside of the operational area when this happens, You may be charged up to 50 EUR, as the scooter may not be parked outside of the allowed parking zone.

The service may at times be closed during the night.

2.) Account

You hereby confirm that to be able to use our services, You must register for a user account in our mobile application. Your user account is personal to You, and You shall not (without prior written consent from Ryde Technology AS) create a user account for another person, transfer Your account to another person or assist another person to access Your account.

You hereby confirm that the information You provide is true and accurate. You must provide personal information, and a valid card number as financial information to be able to use our services. You are responsible to ensure that the provided information is updated at all times. To comply with local regulations, and reasonable operational management, Ryde Technology AS may need to verify such information. You confirm that You will assist in this process to enable us to do these reasonable verifications where it may be necessary.

All accounts and their functionality are subject to approval or discontinuation at our discretion. We reserve the right to reject or terminate any account, temporarily or permanently, and to deny access and prohibit a specific user to use our services.

You are responsible for Your account’s security, including (but not limited to) Your login identification, password(s) and account details. You confirm that such details are not shared or disclosed with any other party or person. You are responsible for all loss, damage or problems that could arise from disclosing Your account information, as well as any fraudulent activity, digital threat and/or similar scenario.

You are required to notify us if You suspect and/or are aware of any activity that seems suspect and/or any unauthorized access of your user account.

3.) Use of our services

You confirm that by using any of our applications or digital services, You agree to the terms and conditions outlined here. You confirm that you will not under any circumstances modify or exploit any of our applications, nor share information that may result in such behavior to any third party.

You also confirm that any problems that may arise, e.g. not ending the trip successfully in the app, must be reported to us immediately, as it may otherwise be dismissed without further discussion or compensation.

The Ryde Pass (monthly pass or day pass) is intended for personal use only. It is prohibited to use the Ryde Pass for commercial transportation of goods and/or services (e.g. food delivery and/or other delivery services).

Ryde reserves the right to suspend Your account and/or remove the Ryde Pass if you violate these terms.

You understand and confirm that all intellectual property rights within any of our services is the sole property of Ryde Technology AS, and will not be used for any commercial activity and/or similar intentions.

The use of our services in Sweden will be handled by our Swedish company, Ryde Sweden AB, which has its registered office at Kyrkestensvägen 9B, 441 35 Alingsås and company number 559251-2973.

The use of our services in Finland will be handled by our Finnish company, Ryde Finland Oy, with company number 3235209-4.

4.) Behavior when using the services

You hereby confirm that you will comply with all local regulations such as (but not limited to): Traffic regulations, data protection, parking instructions, vehicle usage instructions. You also confirm that you at all times are competent enough and physically fit to operate a vehicle in a responsible manner, consider all traffic conditions, as well as displaying general common sense.

You are solely responsible and assume all responsibility and/or risk for any injuries or damages that may arise from using any of our vehicles. You confirm that You will treat any vehicle with common sense care (as outlined in this agreement) and understand that damages, liabilities or costs towards Ryde Technology AS arising from You not doing so can result in us demanding full reimbursement from You.

You confirm that You can use the vehicles solely as intended and instructed within our application, in compliance with local regulations, and in compliance with these terms and conditions, such as (but not limited to):

– No altering, dismantling or adjusting being done to the scooters
– Not riding or parking within restricted areas
– Not bringing/riding the scooter outside of the Operational Area (the ‘Operational Area’ is in this case defined as the area where you can end your ride that is surrounded by a red continuous area/fence on the map). Doing this may result in a penalty up to 50 EUR (in addition to the total cost of the trip).
– Not riding more than one person per scooter
– Not storing the scooter in a way that makes it inaccessible to others
– Not riding the vehicle if your total weight (including accessories) exceeds 120kg
– Report any damages, theft, accident or similar scenario to a vehicle you rented and/or come across
– Using appropriate safety gear
– Not riding in an improper condition, such as (but not limited to): under the influence of substances, distracted, during an unwell physical condition, under the influence of medication or any other factors that may prevent you from operating a vehicle in a responsible and competent way
– Riding properly and competently in regards to all traffic laws and local regulations
– Parking properly in regards to all traffic laws and local regulations
– Not bringing the scooter onto other types of transport (for example, but not limited to: buses, trains, cars, etc)

You confirm that You understand and accept that Any damages and/or costs to Ryde Technology AS resulting from not complying with these outlined terms, local traffic laws, and local regulations are subject to be invoiced to You based on Ryde's own assessment of the extent of the damage, and are Your sole responsibility unless Ryde Technology AS have specifically expressed otherwise in writing.

5.) Disclaimers, limitation of liability & force majeure

You hereby confirm that the usage of our services is solely at Your risk. Ryde Technology AS holds no warranties in regards to the service, and no liabilities for events such as (but not limited) to: Errors, interruptions, unavailability, maintenance, state of the vehicles and/or similar.

You confirm and understand that scooters are electric vehicles that may experience issues or malfunctions, even if it has been properly maintained and inspected before use. Such issues may cause injury, damages or dangers of various sorts to You and/or others, people, property or similarly. You confirm that You understand and agree that You are solely responsible for all such dangers and risks that may occur from operating any of these vehicles. When choosing to use our services and operate any of our vehicles You confirm that You assume full responsibility for all related risks and dangers, and that You may be liable for all relating damages, deaths and/or costs. You confirm and understand that operating an electric vehicle involves an element of risk and that dangerous situations can occur and may not be avoidable even if proper precautions have been made.

You confirm that you will indemnify and not make claims or request compensation of any kind against Ryde Technology AS relating to the use of our services or operating any of our vehicles. You acknowledge that You have agreed to use our services in accordance to these terms and conditions, and that any use of the services are Your sole responsibility. You agree to not misuse any of our services and failure to do so is Your sole responsibility.

You confirm that Ryde Technology AS shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, failure or error which is caused by conditions beyond our control, defined as “force majeure”, such as (but not limited to): natural disasters, change in legislations and/or laws, weather conditions, power breakdown, infrastructure problems, strikes, orders of administrative authorities, interruptive events and/or any events with similar outcome.

6.) Modifications

Ryde Technology AS reserves the right to change, update or amend these terms & conditions from time to time without Your consent. You confirm that you on a regular basis should review this agreement to have an up to date awareness in regards to any modifications. You confirm that this agreement supersedes all prior agreements and is the final and complete agreement for using our services. By continuing to use our services, you agree to be bound to these terms and conditions.

7.) Governing law & jurisdiction

You hereby agree that any disputes that arise from using our service or in relation to this agreement will be subject to Norwegian law, and Norwegian courts exclusively. This agreement is governed by Norwegian law exclusively.

Ryde Electric Scooter

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